Surviving Preterm Labor

2:39 PM

I'm 31 weeks pregnant with our 2nd baby and I thought everything was going smooth. There was no problem throughout my pregnancy. I didn't experience any morning sickness at all. Unfortunately, I  was wrong by ignoring the early signs of Preterm Labor. So I decided to write this post for those of you who are pregnant, for those that may experience the same preterm labor scare, and also for myself, to remember this time in my life.

For the past 2 days I've been experiencing a lot of tightening in my stomach, which was really my uterus if you want to get technical. I didn't mind it and thought that was just normal Braxton Hicks. Whenever I stand, I also felt some pressure in my pelvic area. That was still tolerable so I didn't mind to contact inform my OB.

January 10,2017: I woke up out of my sleep at about 1:30 a.m., because my stomach was hurting so bad with a lot of pressure in my pelvic area. It felt like I had to have a bowel movement or I was extremely constipated. I thought it was just flatulence, so I tried to change my sleeping position and still had no relief from the feeling. So when I went to the comfort room to pee, I found out I was spotting blood on the bowl. I know this TMI, but this is the only way I can share and describe my experience. I yelled and woke up my husband to let him see what was happening. He tried to calm me by hugging and stroking my back. But it was no use, my stomach is still contracting. As I was sitting and trying to comprehend everything, I suddenly felt that my knees are shivering. Later on, my whole body was shivering uncontrollably. "Am I giving birth now?" "She's too small it's just 31 weeks." or "will she survive if I give birth now", those were the things going thru my mind at that moment. I tried to keep calm as much as possible, got dressed and then we rushed to the ER.

At the emergency room, the nurses and doctor on-duty checked my vital signs and also my baby's heartbeat. They also asked me few questions about my symptoms. It was a relief to hear that her heart is still beating normally. If I remember it right, that was 145 beats per minute. I'm still shivering, my stomach contracts every 5 minutes and my heart is pounding. They gave me 2 tablets to be taken orally to stop the contractions and was hooked up to an IV drip. They called up my Ob and she decided to confine me to monitor my baby's vital signs.

After a few minutes, the medicine kicked in. Finally, the contraction slowed, I was delivered to a private room to rest. Contractions are much farther from the last one, around 20 minute interval. While, my baby's heartbeat is monitored every 1 hour. As I lay in bed, that was the time when everything sunk into me. I started crying and worrying about my baby. Will she be alright? I was praying and hoping that I will not give birth that night.

January 11, 2017: By morning, my OB requested for a pelvic ultrasound and some additional medication to inject thru the IV drip. She also gave me steroid shots for my little girl's lungs. The spotting is still there. I was not allowed to stand for long or even walk to the bathroom. I am only allowed to pee in a commode near my bed. Though the contractions are less painful, lasts for 10 minutes and occurs 4-5 times that day. At least there's an improvement. Heartbeat monitoring is still round the clock. My little girl's heart beat is also improving, from 145 to 150+ beats per minute. 

The ultrasound results are fine. Baby's is safe and she is still active. There's no hemorrhage or any problem at all. Except for a cord coil that the sonologist found out. According to my OB, that was nothing to be scared of. She has experience in delivering babies with cord coil. I am very thankful that my doctor is comforting and caring. By night, the contractions were gone and the spotting stopped. Ob said that if in the next morning, the pain and spotting will not come back I can be discharged.

January 12, 2017: There were no contractions overnight. I am feeling well and eager to go home. I am so relieved that my labor did not progress. By lunch, I was finally released from the hospital I was placed on bed rest until I reach 36 weeks (few days before Valentines Day), and now I must go to the Doctor every two weeks for heartbeat monitoring and prenatal until I deliver. I have a sneaking suspicion that we will be having a baby Valentines Days baby. We shall see!

So, for the next few weeks, I will be resting as much as possible to keep our little girl baking for as long as possible. No more going to events and lakwatsa for me. It looks like lots of movies, TV shows, blogging, surfing Pinterest and working on blog posts are in my future. Though, it was difficult, I had to have someone with me at all times and I wasn't able to do anything more than get up to go the bathroom. I had a 6 year old son to take care of! Luckily, I have a great support system and had my family coming to help take care of my son while I was down. I am also thankful for my Husband's patience in taking care of the house while I am not allowed to do any household chores.

As always, I would love to answer your questions. If you're going thru the same situation, share your stories below!

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  1. Have a safe pregnancy. Regarding cord-coil, yung sa kin hindi nakita sa ultrasound pero cord-coil baby ko but normal delivery naman. :)

  2. These are just one of the dilemmas during pregnancy noh? I remember I was 37 weeks na back then and nilagnat pako with 40degree temp. Luckily everything went well pa rin. Be strong.. God bless you and your baby :))

  3. That was scarry. These were my concerns too when I was pregnant with my boys. I hope you and baby well sis!

  4. I had a preterm labor scare during my 2nd pregnancy. But we found out that it's more like may naiipit na mga ugat lang in my tummy area, but it was really painful. I wish you a safe pregnancy and delivery. It's this crucial stage that we moms need to take extra care. God bless you and your family!

  5. Glad that you and your baby are safe.

  6. This is scary, I'm glad that you and your baby are now fine. Have a safe delivery soon mommy.

  7. I have two kids and I still don't know what a contraction feels like XD

  8. OMG that must have been a very stressful moment for you! I hope your pregnancy gets easier from now on. Take care of yourself and don't forget to rest!

  9. This is pretty scary. I never had pre term labor but my birthing experience was hell. I'm just happy to know you're safe. Don't forget to take the necessary means of taking care of you and your bundle of joy!

  10. For both my pregnancies, I had preterm labor and had to be on bed rest! I was on bed rest for almost a month during my first pregnancy and it was super hard but at least I got my sweet time to rest and prepare for being a new mom. I was also confined so that the baby's condition will be monitored. Thankfully, I gave birth at 37 weeks for both. I'm grateful that I attended Rome Kanapi's birthing class so I kinda know what was happening, though I still panicked a little hehe. I hope you're doing well now and enjoying your baby girl!

  11. Good thing everything is well na. :) And dami talaga unexpected during pregnancy. Like you, I thought ok naman lahat kasi I never had any complications. Then I ended up ECS.

    1. Very unpredictable talaga ang kalagayan natin mga buntis

  12. Oh that was scary. But im glad you were avle to write about this. I have 2 kids and i have a new baby inside my tummy now (14 weeks) and im happy that the baby is all okey. Though it still keeps me thinking about pre-term labor and other scary things that might happen while im pregnant and with the baby because i was like having a first baby again. This is my 3rd pregnancy after 8years. And i always hope and pray that everything will be smooth. I'll take nite of those symptoms that you've experienced at 31 weeks, atleast i am aware what to do immediately. Glad that you and the baby is okay :)

  13. Praying for your safe delivery. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  14. Hello Korai! Buti hindi nag-progress ang labor mo. Preterm labor sure is a scary thing. As of this writing, me and my baby girl bunso will be hitting the 31st week mark and medyo natakot tuloy ako kasi just last Friday, I felt my tummy's tightening. Ang kulit pa naman ng little kuya namin and it's just the two of us at home pa lang that time. What I did is to stop working na and humiga na kami ni little kuya 'til he finally fell asleep. Natakot rin ako nagmatuloy tuloy to a preterm labor. Thank God, nakuha naman sa rest and I felt better the next morning. I guess I was just too tired na last friday.

  15. This is scary indeed. I hope you and your baby will be fine. Have a safe delivery and keep being strong, momma!

  16. This is such a scary experience. I pray for your safe delivery, mommy.

  17. Take care and have a safe delivery. :)

  18. Having a family beside you is indeed a great help to.survive any difficulty. For my past three pregnancies, I also had difficulty with my pregnancy that i was adviced to stay in bed. Preterm joke. Take care always.

  19. That was so scary. Brings me back to when I lost 2 babies due to miscarriage. Last year, when I was preggy with my second son I had contractions too. They were Braxton Hicks but sometimes it felt like something more. I kept praying that baby and I will make it to the safe zone. We did! He was born 36 wks and 1 day. I hope all is good with you and your baby now.

  20. First, it is great to hear that everything is doing well. We can't really say what will happen to us during pregnancy ano. I remember I had spotting also but during my first trimester. I cried and pleaded for Bunny to hold on and she did. Just pray for her and talk to her, I'm sure she's listening to you. :)

  21. You have to be extra careful momma. Take care of yourself and your little angel inside you :)

  22. Yipee! Glad to know that you and baby is doing just fine. It is pretty scary when things don't go as normally should especially during pregnancy. I hope to hear the good news soon.. just follow the doctor's orders, pray and let God do his wonders. God bless you and your newest angel. (Macy)

  23. That was scary! I remember having spotting on my 6th month, which fortunately, wasn't anything serious. Take care of yourself and your baby!

  24. Glad you and your baby are both safe! As for me, I have high pain tolerance which probably contributed to me losing one of my babies. :( I did feel a bit of discomfort a few days before my miscarriage but since I was used to women disomfort like when I have my period, I didn't panic nor realize that I was with a baby and that he was at risk.

  25. That must have been quite a scare so I hope everything turned out well for you and your baby.

  26. Maybe it was a soft nudge for you to take more rest. Sometimes our body has its own ways of telling us something. All best wishes for you and your baby.

  27. I've been hearing a lot of people giving birth preterm. It's really hard when the babies come out when they're not yet ready. It's a good thing that with proper care, yours was able to stay longer. :)


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