Review: Organics By N Facial Foam Tea Tree Defense

1:38 PM

Hello lovely! Today I'm gonna review about a product which I've been using for 2 weeks now.

Made in The Philippines

Since I got pregnant with Baby#2 I started to have troubled skin. I have dry skin back then, now you can add that I'm oily around the T-zone and acne prone skin too. My complexion got darker too. My previous skincare products are no longer safe to use while pregnant so I'm on the hunt for new skincare routine. I'm looking for something organic, safe for pregnant and can help be fight acne. When I stumbled upon this products it checked a lot on my looking-for list so why not give it a try.

*drum roll*
Then I found out about Organics By N on facebook. Here some details about the products according to their Facebook page:

Product Name:  Organics By N Facial Foam Tea Tree Defense

Product size: 60ml Product price: 225php | 60ml

Claims: Removes dirt, oil and unwanted debris. Leaving your skin smooth and soft. Its anti microbial properties helps with acne, pimples and other skin problems.

Where to Buy? 

The product is only available online. Check out Organics By N (facebook)


The packaging does not have the list of ingredients, so I only asked the Ms. Natasia Louise Mira (Organics by N Owner). According to her, the active ingredients are Tea Tree, Vegetable Glycerin and Vit. E.


It comes in a  sealed sturdy plastic 60ml container with foam pump. Which I like because it's travel friendly. You could say that packaging is really innovative and easy to use. Very practical for women on the go. Pump, pump, lather then rinse.

Scent and Texture:

The smell is really unique. It smells like eucalyptus with hint of lemongrass. It might be strong to some people but I like it. Don't worry once you rinse the smell also comes off.

Texture is soft and foamy. 2 pumps of foam is enough for my face. So tipid s'ya.

2 pumps of facial foam on the back of my hand


After almost 2 weeks usage, no break outs at all

I used Facial Foam Tea Tree Defense every morning and evening for almost 2 weeks now. 2 pumps of foam, lather it on my face, and rinse. What I like about this products is that it does not have strong chemicals smell, it leaves my skin soft after washing, and removes stubborn dead skin on my face. Though it provides foamy and soft lather, it does not melt my make up. I recommend to those who puts on make up to use make up remover first.
I did not have any break outs while using the product! Yey! Maybe because of its tea Tree content. According to Readers Digest, Tea Tree Oil is good home remedy to treat acne and remove make-up (Read: Tea Tree Oil Uses| Reader's Digest). It also helped heal my pimples.
I wish that they will improve the packaging. It does not state the ingredients and directions on how to use it.

Will you recommend it?

Yes, to those who are looking for mild facial foam and to those who have dry skin. I even urge my husband to use this since he also have dry skin.

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars


Disclaimer: The views and statement above are based on my experience and honest opinion using the products. Effects may vary on different skin types.

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